Tourist information

Where is Ensenada?

Ensenada is 80 minutes south of San Diego, just across the Mexican border on the Pacific coast of the great Baja peninsula. Via the beautiful and well-kept Tijuana-Ensenada toll road, recently renamed the Tijuana-Ensenada Scenic Road.

What's the best time of year to visit?

Anytime! The weather is similar to San Diego's coastal areas, but with constant ocean breezes keeping us cool in summer. Year round, we enjoy an almost perfect climate with mild winters and balmy summers.

Are Ensenada and the surrounding area safe?

Is one of the most safest cities in Mexico. Guns are illegal in Mexico and Baja California has had the lowest unemployment rate in all of Mexico for almost 10 years, currently at almost 0%. Thus, violent crime is low and random violence is practically non- existent. However, it's always wise anywhere to use the same, normal safety and anti-theft precautions you would use in any other city.

What about money and credit cards?

The peso is the official currency of Mexico but being so close to the border dollars are accepted almost everywhere and credit cards are taken at most major restaurants, shops and hotels. There are also ATM machines in town located at the Bital. Banorte, Santander, Banamex and Bancomer banks. They accept Visa and Mastercard and dispense bills in pesos. If you prefer to use pesos during your stay, you'll also find several banks and money-exchange houses in the central downtown area where you can make money exchanges.

I don't speak Spanish. Will I be able to communicate?

English is spoken almost everywhere in the main tourist areas.

Can I bring my children to Quintas Santa Teresa?

Sorry, no children allowed in the Villa.

Do I need a passport?

Entering Baja for up to 72 hours and exploring as far south as the seaport city of Ensenada requires no visa or other paperwork for U.S. or other citizens. Simply drive across the border (as almost 180,000 people do each day), head for Rosarito and enjoy the unusual foods, music, festivities and fabulous crafts of Mexico---without the bureaucratic hassles usually inherent in foreign travel.
For Baja stays beyond 72 hours a tourist card is required. These can be obtained free from international airlines authorized to travel to Mexico, the Mexican Consulate in San Diego or the Mexican Immigration office just across the border at San Ysidro. Proof of nationality is required to obtain a tourist card.

Do I need special insurance for my car?

If you're driving, Mexican auto insurance is strongly recommended since your U.S. auto insurance is not valid anywhere in Mexico. Inexpensive Mexican insurance can be purchased by the day, week or month at numerous highly visible locations near the border on both sides. Getting Mexican insurance is so quick and easy that many of these places have drive-through windows. A number of San Diego rental car agencies also rent vehicles to Ensenada and provide the Mexican insurance.

Is there any way to get to Ensenada without a car?

Several San Diego tour companies specialize in day trips to Baja that can include or combine shopping, dining, sightseeing, golf, wine-tasting, along with a variety of longer excursions. Round trips run daily from San Diego to Ensenada.

What can I bring into México?

You can bring your car, personal clothing, camera and other items for personal use without any problem. For general merchandise, such as food or medicines, there is a per-person limit of up to $400 U.S. dollars duty free. Anything over that amount has to go through Mexican customs and pay import duty. Firearms are illegal in Mexico although special permits can be obtained in advance for hunting. Check with the nearest Mexican Consulate for regulations regarding hunting permits.

What can I take home?

You can take back $400 per person duty-free including one liter of alcohol. Mexican arts and crafts are duty-free and don't count toward your $400 limit. If traveling by common carrier (bus, cruise ship, plane or train) more than one liter of alcohol is allowed however only the first is duty free.
The following items are legal in Mexico and readily available everywhere in the border area, but cannot be brought into the United States: Cuban cigars, turtle products, switchblades, butterfly knives and fireworks. For full customs information, check the U.S. Customs web site.

What are the alcoholic beverage and drug laws in Mexico?

The legal drinking age is 18 and most bars and night clubs request an ID before admittance when they doubt the customer's age. Drinking on the streets is against city ordinance and fines are imposed on offenders. Drinking and driving is a jailable offence that also carries a heavy fine.
It is a criminal offense to use, possess or traffic in illegal, mind-altering drugs (cocaine, marijuana, heroin...etc.). Even the possession of a few grams will bring a jail sentence of eight years or more. Legal, medicinal mind-altering drugs (such as Valium) require a medical prescription for purchase and use. Many common prescription drugs are available over the counter in Mexico at approximately ½ to 3/4 of U.S. prices.

What if I get sick while on vacation?

There are very good hospitals and numerous highly trained doctors in Ensenada. Ambulance and helicopter transportation to the United States is available in emergencies. Many thousands of U.S. citizens have vacation homes or full-time residences here. They wouldn't have chosen Rosarito unless excellent health care was available.

Important phone numbers


Cruz Roja / ambulancia 066 o 174 4545

Policia 060 o 176 4343

Bomberos 068 o 177 1325


Tourist Aid 172 3022

Immigration 174 0164

City Hall 172 3400


Rosarito 01 800 025 6288, US: 1800 962 2252

Tijuana (664) 684 0537, US: 1-888-775-2417

Ensenada 01 800 025 3925, US: 1-800-310-9687

Mexicali (686) 552 5877, US: 1-888-342-7323

Tecate (526) 654 5892

San Felipe (686) 554-8912

Medical Services

Del Carmen hospital 178 3477

Velmar Hospital 173 4500

Military Hospital 177 4797

Visitors Information

Chamber of comerce (CANACO) 178 2322

Chamber of restaurantes (CANIRAC) 174 0448

Customs (Aduanas) 174 0897

Immigration office (Inmigración) 174 0164

U.S. Consulate-Tijuana (664) 622 7400

U.S. Consulate-San Diego-24hrs (619) 692 2154

Contact Us!

Jesús Machado
WhatsApp: 52 (646) 171-65-16